Data Analysis

I am trained and qualified in data analysis reporting programs like Jupyter Notebooks and Google Colab, as well as analytical techniques including data acquisition, cleaning, and presentation.


I am trained in dashboarding programs including Power BI and Tableau!


In my data analysis projects, I am well-versed in using Python's statistical libraries (including NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy), and can create Python visualizations using Matplotlib and SciPy.learn!


Below is a sample of my data analysis projects, including dashboards and reports using Jupyter Notebooks.

Effects of COVID-19 on Mass Shootings

In this report, I detail the correlation between the COVID-19 lockdowns and mass shootings in the United States.

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Web Scraping w/ BeautifulSoup

This project showcases a brief example of web scraping using Python's BeautifulSoup library

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EDA with Audible Audiobooks

An exploratory data analysis using data on over 87,000 of Audible's audiobooks across 36 languages

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Full Portfolio

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